by JMAR Projetos



CONDOMINIUM MANAGEMENT, COMMUNICATION AND SECURITY APPLICATION. Our goal is to make life easier for liquidators, porters and condo residents.Enough paper! Everything you need in one place. Reservations, events, visitors, residents registration, newsletters, polls, documents and much more.All this with two clicks of your smartphone.Through a 100% online system, it is possible to send notice to residents, schedule meetings, reserve common spaces, conduct surveys, control access at the concierge and much more.SEE EVERYTHING YOU CAN CONTROL FROM YOUR MOBILE OCCURRENCE BOOKYour digital and portable occurrence book! Record complaints, suggestions, monitor the treatment and be notified when the occurrence is resolved.DELIVERIES AND ORDERSComplete management of the entries and exits of all correspondence. Get notified when your order arrives. VISITOR AUTHORIZATIONSend a QRCODE to your guest. Get notified when they arrive.FINANCIAL CONTROLIssue slips, control defaults, automate your collections, payments, control payroll, e-social, issue your balance sheets.MAINTENANCEControl of periodic maintenance. Management will be advised that maintenance is near. PRODUCTS AND SERVICESDiscover and rate services provided by other residents. INFORMATIVEDownload the bylaws and minutes. Get notified when a new notice is posted by management. DIGITAL VOTINGVote for important topics without agglomerations. REGISTRATION IN ACTIVITIESSign up for activities offered by the condo. Get notified when new vacancies arise. RESERVATIONSCheck availability and book / cancel your leisure area. ELECTRONIC PRICERegister suppliers and place your purchase orders. Receive quotes and select the best proposal. ONLINE VOTINGDo a quick search and list the residents digital signatures. GIVE A NEW EXPERIENCE TO YOUR CONDOMINIUMSThe resident will be able to open events, reserve areas, allow visitors to enter, receive newsletters and much more, all by cell phone.Events opened by a resident are viewed only by the resident and the administrator. Other residents do not access open events. Any treatment done on its occurrence triggers a notification to your cell phone. When the occurrence is finished, you will receive instructions to approve or disapprove the given solution.Important information such as lack of water or changes to internal procedures can be registered.Documents such as bylaws, collective agreement and meeting minutes can also be made available. All users will receive notifications notifying them of the new newsletter. The application informs the administrator of residents who have read or not the newsletter. EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN YOUR CONDOMINIUM TO TWO CLICKS OF YOUR SMARTPHONE EASY AND FAST TO IMPLEMENT!Pay per unit. Suitable for all condo sizes.It is the digital world providing more ease, comfort, transparency and economy.